Studio apartment for daily rent in the city of Aktau. Windows, counters, quiet courtyard, air-conditioned, clean, comfortable, refrigerator, washing machine, cable TV, on the clock, the TV, all appliances. In the bathroom, drinking water. Plasma TV. For travel documents are available. Clean, comfortable apartment, washing machine, cable TV, WI-FI internet. Elevator works.
Rent 1-bedroom apartment in the city center. Nearby there are shopping centers, shops, business centers. Just a 5-minute descent to the sea! The apartment has...
For daily rent 1-bedroom apartment, 12 md, 6th floor elevator works round the clock. The apartment is cozy, clean, fully furnished, in the bathroom drinking...
Daily rent apartment 11 microrayon 6 house after repair. New furniture, fresh linen, drinking water is connected everywhere, wi-fi Internet is available, business travelers are...
Сдается однокомнатная квартира в доме, который находится в самом центре города. В квартире евро ремонт, перепланировка, кабельное ТВ, вся бытовая техника, питьевая вода в ванной....
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Studio apartment with euro renovation, for rent. The apartment is fully furnished, 2 sleeps, has everything you need for a comfortable stay. Convenient parking, available...