
Hotel complex "Silk Way"

Single Room -odnokomnatny, single, standard

Single Room -odnokomnatny, single, standard
Sleeping places
Description: The hotel rooms are of modern design equipped with everything necessary for work and rest: furniture, TV sets, refrigerators, internal and external telephone, wireless internet, shower cabin, hair dryers, electronic locks. Breakfast is included in the room rate.
land line
iron, ironing board
hair dryer
disposable hygiene products
disposable slippers
cable TV
shower cabin
breakfast included
breakfast for extra payment
soap, shampoo
no smoking
no pets
parking place
issue an invoice
Stats total: 4916
Stats month: 30
Stats week: 7
Stats today: 1
Other room types
Hotel complex "Silk Way"
10 000 KZT
10 000 KZT
The hotel rooms are of modern design equipped with everything necessary for work and rest: furniture, TV sets, refrigerators, internal and external telephone, wireless internet,...
Hotel complex "Silk Way"
11 000 KZT
11 000 KZT
Description: The hotel rooms are of modern design equipped with everything necessary for work and rest: furniture, TV sets, refrigerators, internal and external telephone, wireless...
Hotel complex "Silk Way"
13 000 KZT
13 000 KZT
The hotel rooms are of modern design equipped with everything necessary for work and rest: furniture, TV sets, refrigerators, internal and external telephone, wireless internet,...
Hotel complex "Silk Way"
11 000 KZT
11 000 KZT
The hotel rooms are of modern design equipped with everything necessary for work and rest: furniture, TV sets, refrigerators, internal and external telephone, wireless internet,...
7 500 KZT
Standard price
Address and contact
Kokshetau, Mira st., Valikhanov, 156 A
Object orient: sports complex Burabai
Phone number