
Sleeping places
This cosy room equipped with comfortable bed, a bedside table and other furniture. This room is only for single accommodation.
land line
cable TV
Stats total: 14462
Stats month: 44
Stats week: 12
Stats today: 2
Other room types
Hotel "Sozvezdie" | Karaganda
13 000 KZT
13 000 KZT
The interior of the room creates the excellent atmosphere and good mood.
Hotel "Sozvezdie" | Karaganda
12 000 KZT
12 000 KZT
This is spacious and comfortable room with a large double bed, bedside tables, a desk, comfortable armchairs for rest and other furniture.
Hotel "Sozvezdie" | Karaganda
14 000 KZT
14 000 KZT
This is spacious room. There is a spacious living room, a dedicated sleeping area, sitting area with table and comfortable chairs and other furniture. The...
Hotel "Sozvezdie" | Karaganda
13 000 KZT
13 000 KZT
This comfortable, bright, spacious room has a hall and two bedrooms. There is a big double bed and separate bed, bedside tables in one bedroom....
Hotel "Sozvezdie" | Karaganda
10 000 KZT
10 000 KZT
This comfortable stylish room divided into a sleeping area with a double bed and a seating area with a comfortable sofa.
Hotel "Sozvezdie" | Karaganda
9 000 KZT
9 000 KZT
This elegant room is equipped with one double bed, bedside tables, chairs and other furniture. Bathroom is equipped with bath.
4 000 KZT
Standard price
Address and contact
Karaganda, Volochayevskaya st., 34 Stroiteley st.
Object orient: Etnopark
Phone number