
Other host`s flats

2-room apartment for a day in Karaganda
10 000 KZT
10 000 KZT

2-room apartment for a day in Karaganda

Floor: 5, Rooms: 5, Sleeping places: 2
Karaganda, Bukhar Zhyrau, Bukhara Zhyrau
Object orient: Abzal shopping center, TSUM
Plastic Windows, no corner, Studio kitchen, built-in kitchen, counters, quiet courtyard, clean, cozy, refrigerator, washing machine, cable TV, TV, all appliances, free Wi-Fi. Clean, cozy...
2-room apartment, 25 Stroiteley St.
12 000 KZT
12 000 KZT

2-room apartment, 25 Stroiteley St.

Floor: 2, Rooms: 8, Sleeping places: 2
Karaganda, Yugo-Vostok, Stroiteley
Object orient: bus stop Polyclinic, McDuck
Clean, very comfortable apartment, in the heart of the city, for your comfortable stay there is everything you need, clean linen, disposable hygiene products, slippers,...